2.5I'm going to have to admit that I struggled with rating this book for one major reason:I'm a huge, huge, huge dragon fan. You tell me something has a dragon in it and man oh man do you have someone that wants it. This makes me very susceptible to reading titles that I would normally run away from or not finish. This being said we are going to do this review a bit differently from my normal reviews as I can't do my normal paragraph about each main character to sum up how this ended up with a 2.5 rating. My likes (what will get me to try the next book if there is one):The world - I loved the idea of dragons hiding in plain sight in Las Vegas. This fascinated me and I can't help but want to see another story about them.The fact there is dragons… did ya not see my initial comment??? LOL I know I'm easy but as some saw when they met me at RT you say dragons and I PERK!The hero - While he had his issues I liked how much he wanted his people to be safe and have a place to live where they could be themselves. He also handled finding out his mate was human in a very good way even though he tended to ignore the issues between them unless they were forced on him.The implications of mating vs no mating - I found it interesting that if a male dragon does not find his mate by a certain age he loses his form. I mean it does cause him a lot of pressure but I liked that the author made it where the females do not have that same sense of pressure. If they don't find their mates or find that the mate is lacking in some form they don't have to complete the bond. Does it suck for the men? Yes in a way but no as well… it can force them to actually listen to their female to make them happy which in my opinion could help everyone in the long run.My dislikes (which is why this got a low grade):Joey - The heroine's brother is just such a lowlife you just can't help but want to smack her for wasting so much damn time on him. He's childish, spoiled and inconsiderate of anyone around him. His head is so far up his own ass for 99% of the book that you just don't get why she tolerates his stupidity and obvious attitude that she doesn't matter. I must admit I wasn't happy with something that happens right at the end with him but if he isn't the hero in the next book and we get to see him maybe start to grow up in the next title I might be able to handle seeing his book.The heroine - Dear Lord I don't even freakin know where to go with her. She does stuff in this book that pissed me off to no end in hopes that she might finally save her brother from being a moron. She's got this amazing connection with our hero and yet every chance she has to tell him what is going on she doesn't even though she knows that what she's doing is harmful for him. When she's confronted with exactly what he is does she then tell him her own secret… of course not… What does this wonderfully supposedly smart individual do? She plots to steal from him in order to save her idiot of a brother who has already proven she doesn't freaking matter to him! I mean she calls him desperately needing help and what does this ass do? He keeps pushing her to get him in good with a mobster by stealing from the man who has done nothing but help her. I swear I just wanted to scream at her to open her freaking eyes already.Ok so now that you have found out my dirty little secret weakness… I wanted to love this title but the heroine and her idiotic brother just really worked my last nerve and I just couldn't recover completely. While I think I will check out the next one in the series, if there is one, I probably won't be in a huge hurry to do so but hope that the side characters we met in Alec's retinue will get their HEAs and they will find a partner that is worthy of them rather than one who has so many TSTL moments you just want to scream.Thanks to Entangled Publishing for giving me the chance to read this as I did enjoy the world the author built but wished both parts of the main pair were worthy of each other.